Saturday, November 7, 2009


Fusion Cash is an easy way for those with typing skills to fill out simple forms for free offers. These are truly free offers and do not cost you a dime. There is no fee for this position. Currently, all data entry members will receive a $5 sign up bonus. This bonus is yours for confirming your membership - so don't forget to respond to the confirmation email you will receive after sign up!

The good of Fusion Cash is that all members can set their own working hours. This makes it very convenient. It also allows you to determine how much you're going to earn. By consistently filling out forms for various great offers, the sky is the limit. Pay out is per offer. Offers range anywhere from .50 to $25.00 - difficulty varies as well.

Obviously for data entry work, you will need a computer. It need not be new or have the latest processor in it, but it does need to be in good working condition with a keyboard that won't cause wrist problems. Ergonomics are an important element for anyone that does a large volume of typing. Because you will need to access the Fusion Cash website, you will need internet access, and a valid email address. It's absolutely necessary to sign up as a member of Fusion Cash in order for you to process offers (and for you to view pay outs on each offer) and for your orders to be tracked so that you're paid correctly.

The more offer forms you fill out, the more you will earn. Simple as that. You can also earn by referring others that would like to do this kind of work. You will get paid twice for referrals. Yes, twice. You're paid when they sign up for their free Fusion Cash membership, and when they complete any offers. Referring others is not a requirement, so do not feel pressure to do so. It's simply another way to earn.
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